So, quickly, because the next batch of goodies is ready to come out of the oven-
I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS! What a beautiful time of year to remember our Savior and His birth. I heard my new favorite Christmas song that I thought I'd share with you all and hope it touches you just as much! However, I can't figure out how to add it to song player, so I am putting the youtube video here and hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Wishes
From the brain of MakingChanges at 4:19 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lesson Learned- maybe
So, do you all remember the funny that my son told me about wearing my pajama pants while taking him to school? Well, yesterday I learned something about not doing my hair before I take him to school. Most days I just jump out of the shower, brush my teeth, gel my hair and moisturize my face. Oh ya, and get dressed. But, aside from gelling the hair and brushing it to a smooth, greezy-looking hair helmet I don't usually do anything with it. Hair takes time and they are so many more enjoyable things to do with my time than blowdrying my hair so I don't embarrass my kids. I can list a few if you like, but really, they are already listed on my sidebar under my family and friend blogs and my shameless blog stalking lists. Anyhow, I ran a ton of errands yesterday and the wind was blowing and it was dry and cold (static) and when I got home I looked like this:So, after showing my crazy hair all over town I thought maybe I would do something to make me look not quite so insane. After just a few minutes of primping and spritzing I was no longer a total embarrassment to my family. I was one hot mama!
Now isn't that better? The sacrifice of my time was well worth it, don't you think? WHAT? That isn't the same person? That isn't even me? Well, I never...
Okay you got me, but my hair did look like a frizzy mess in my before which I am too embarrassed, myself, to post. My hair was also pretty sweet looking in my after even if my hair isn't that long and thick and beautiful. In my defense, though, I didn't have to waste time blowdrying my hair because the wind had done a fantabulous job of getting ever strand uber dry. I only had to straight-iron it and put some more smootz in it and viola- sexy momma!
Theme song- Fixing her hair by Ani DiFranco. The into is VERY long, but it is so appropriate for this post.
From the brain of MakingChanges at 9:35 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Where are you Christmas?
So, if you read my last post you will know that I live in filth. I did laundry for the better part of yesterday and you can see my front room. YEAH.
Unfortunately we still have a LARGE pool table/air hockey table that was given to us and is just taking up room in my front room. It currently is a place just to stack random crap that I need to actually put away. It is not being used for its original purpose. I am sure that if the table had feelings it would be sad that it is so used! With it there I have no place to rearrange my furniture and put up my Christmas tree. I am having a seriously hard time getting into the Christmas mood without my Christmas tree. I need to see the bazillion white lights and all the random ornaments that adorn my tree every December. I need to hear the music in the background telling me- "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." And I need to believe it! I need to bust out the garland that drapes across my super long, uber cool mantle that my friend made for me. I need to hang the stockings from the mantle and light the candles that will fill my house and nostrils with the Christmas spirit. The ONLY WAY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN is to get that table OUT OF MY FRONT ROOM. Anyone want it? You gotta pick it up. We are not your normal Mormon family with a truck, so I have no way to get it to your house, but I need it gone. Hubby has promised it to his sister, but she has yet to show her face at my house to get the monstrosity. It is in great condition, but really, my kids aren't old enough to know how to play pool. They use the stick to fight which isn't my favorite activity for them to engage in in my living room. They have already lost one set of the mini balls, which I have replaced and put away for safe keeping until someone gets the table OUT OF MY FRONT ROOM!
Any takers?
Theme song- Where are you Christmas? by Faith Hill from the movie- How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carey.
From the brain of MakingChanges at 8:34 AM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This is where I apologize profusely
I have been neglecting my blog friends. Can you ever forgive me? I have been working like a crazy woman doing so many other things that maybe I should just be committed. I don't want to reveal too much private information, but I happen to have a governmental job that gets REALLY busy around the holidays. If you can't figure that one out you might want to check your mailbox for a clue. Anywho- I'm now working like 50 hours a week, I also have a side business making personalized vinyl stickers (which I totally love doing) and I have 4 kids and a hubby to take care of. My house is a trash hole, I barely got the dishes done, but the stack of crap on the counter (School papers, DVDs, half empty grocery bags, books, and nick nacks) is still overflowing. My sink has yet to be disinfected. My bathroom hasn't seen a scrubber in more weeks than I care to admit. There are laundry baskets full of clothes that have been waiting to be folded (and since I haven't gotten around to that we have been living out of laundry baskets for the last 2 weeks- don't judge my wrinkly clothes, okay?). My bed only gets made right before I get into it, and that is only if I happen to be going to bed before hubby. If he gets in bed first, forget that. We just have to fight over who gets the most covers. I have uncased DVDs scattered in my front room and the cases are just as scattered. And still I sit here, feeling bad that my blog friends have not seen much of me lately. Can you tell where you all rank on my priority list? Just after dishes, but way ahead of laundry. I know you feel special.
So, here is my crazy apology.
- First of all I am sorry that I told you all about my crazy house. Just don't try to mentally picture it or you might be disgusted by me and never visit my blog again.
- I am sorry that I only have one or two days a week to check on your blogs and comment. Trust me, I am still trying to keep up with all of you, and if possible comment on your postings. I love comments. I am addicted to comments, but since I have been MIA on the blogging scene so much lately my comments are dwindling. I sense some pent up hostility in the form of the silent treatment, people!
- I am sorry that my postings have lost some of their flavor. I haven't been in my right mind for the last... 32 years. I am trying to be creative, cool, humorous and just plain funny to keep your attention, but really I am not that funny. Ask the people that really know me.
- I am sorry for the last of background music changes. This one I am trying to remedy- tonight's theme song is Sorry by Buck Cherry. "Please enjoy the music while your party is being reached." (Couldn't help myself)
- Lastly, I am so, so very sorry just for being so sorry. Retarded, I know, but hey, I already told you I haven't been in my right mind for 32 years.
(Theme song to Jeopardy- do do do do do do do do do do do do dododododo do do do do do do do do do do do do, dum dum.)
Do I have to beg for a comment? I'm on my knees pleading! Just picture it! PLEASE!
From the brain of MakingChanges at 8:31 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gingerbread Mansions
My kids love my cousins' tradition of making gingerbread houses every year the day after Thanksgiving. That day is only for the adults, though. My kids get really excited to see what I create. I didn't get any pictures of my gingerbread house this year. Sorry to disappoint you all. If you want to see a fantabulous house, though, here is my cousin's house she did. She has quite the talent. We were sitting at the same table this year, but her talent did not cross the table to my area, so just imagine that mine turned out this good (even though it really didn't).
Anyhow, my kids have been asking me EVERY day when they were going to make theirs. Last year we started our own family tradition. After I make mine I help the kids make little Graham Cracker Houses. Last night we finally got around to it. It was a blast, and a mess. Dalen was worried that the kids were getting the icing on the table. I told him it will come off fairly easy, I just have to get it wet. He looked at me like, "There is no way!" But what he really said made me laugh. "If it is so easy to get off of the table why is it like cement on the house, making it nearly impossible to steal candy off of it?" Now I know who the homewrecker is. It isn't just my kids, but my hubby has shown them what to do- steal my candy and ruin my gingerbread house.Malia with her house. She had more fun eating all of the candy.
Kylie was really proud of her creation!
Snake with his house. At one point his roof was falling down and he tried really hard to fix it himself- this included just stacking all of the graham crackers on top of each other and calling it good.
Now this is just funny- Britin was done with making her house, so she went into the bathroom. Unbeknownst to us, she was playing with daddy's razor. Mind you, this in not the first time she has done this. Nor is it the second time. This is actually the third time my daughter has tried to shave her face. (I can hear all of the cries of pain- we have all been there, maybe more in the leg area of the body, but a razor cut none the less). This is the reason for the tears. It wasn't nearly as bad as the previous 2 times, but really, 3 times. Is it really that hard of a lesson to learn?
From the brain of MakingChanges at 8:37 AM
Passing it on
When I was young my Grandma taught me how to make rolls, bread and cookies. Yes, folks, my world famous cookies were from the mind of my grandma. Of course, I have perfected them over the last 100 years (since I am oh, so old), but they started with a Grandma spending some quality time with her granddaughter. Good memories.
But, Cookies are not the point of my story. My point is ROLLS. Each year we have Thanksgiving with Dalen's family I am required to make the rolls. I do as my Grandma did. This year was extra special because my Kylie wanted to get in on the action. I had her help me with measuring, mixing, rolling, buttering and baking. She was a natural. Just like her mom, though, she doesn't like to be dirty/messy, so as soon as it became too much for her little hands to mix the dough she ran into the bathroom to clean off all of the sticky dough, leaving me to finish adding enough flour to unstickify it. (hey, that's a Julie word, don't be looking it up in Webster's dictionary). I was so proud of that little/big girl, who wants so hard to be like me, although that is quite a scary thought. Enjoy the few moments Dalen captured for me to always remember my first moment of passing down the rolls to another generation.
Theme song- From the classic movie Jungle Book from Disney- "I Wanna Be Like You."
From the brain of MakingChanges at 8:24 AM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another really great giveaway found through blog stalking
I have already joined BSA (not the Boy Scouts of America- Blog Stalkers Anonymous). Really it isn't a group to help overcome blog stalking as it is a group to encourage and give ideas to find more fun blogs to stalk. A little backwards? Probably, but I am not ready to give up on my addiction.
Today, whilest checking out my favs on my sidebar, My trusty friend, the author of Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind is now having a groovy giveaway. Check it out. As always, if you win and you got her link from me I am like the government, I take half of your winnings. Really, it is only fair, right?
From the brain of MakingChanges at 1:08 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Children did NOT get this from me
I was sitting today thinking about all the seriously funny things my kids do and realized that none of this comes from me. They get it all from their Dad's DNA. I'll add as many pictures as I can to illustrate my point since I know y'all love pics. But, as you will read, some of these are not appropriate for viewing, hence there are no pictures to view.
- Britin is a girlie girl. She loves skirts and dresses. If she is MADE to wear pants she rolls them up so they don't touch her ankle, thus defeating the purpose of keeping her legs warm in cold weather.
I, on the other hand, wear skirts and dresses only when necessary.
- All of my kids love to look at themselves in the mirror, especially Jacob. He would stay there all day if there was a computer next to the mirror. Playing games and checking himself out are his 2 favorite things. Here's one for the "no pictures" items. He gets undressed before he gets in the shower and jiggles himself all down while watching. Strange child.
- Malia loves to be naked. When she gets ready for naptime it is a requirement that shoes, socks and pants MUST come off. She has finally learned to keep the shirt on since she is a wiggler in her sleep and the blankets need a little help keeping her warm. I hope no one turns me in for the following totally inappropriate picture. It's just too funny not to share.
- Britin loves to make up her own songs. I have already posted a number of songs Britin sings, but in case you have missed any previously here is one of my favorite performances.
These few things them brought me to my next thought of the things my kids did get from me. Hmmmmmm- Well, Kylie looks like me. Britin loves to laugh (I love to laugh). Jacob is a lover (I consider myself a lover). Malia- I couldn't come up with one so I asked Dal- he said, "good looks." Either he really wants to score some brownie points with me or he forgot to take the trash out like I asked and he is just buttering me up. I love him either way.
Theme song for tonight- My Little Girl by Tim McGraw. Always reminds me of my daughters and hoping that they might want to dance to this song at their weddings... in the VERY far off future.
From the brain of MakingChanges at 2:45 PM