This is the scene- driving home from church on Sunday.
The kids were in their seats and all but Malia are old enough and capable of putting their restraints/seat belts on. Why in the world would I do that for them? So, off we go, on the drive to the house (not too far away, come on, we live in Utah. Should we really be driving to church?). Anyhow, Kylie had taken Britin's seat belt and snapped it on her. Kylie is in the back seat, Britin is in the middle seat. I don't know how best to describe this so I am going to do a poor drawing of the van.

So, here I sit (along with Sherry) waiting for a knock on my door from DCFS to take my kids away so I won't abuse them, or offer parenting classes that will improve my patience/argument resolution skills.
honestly, I didn't lay a finger on them, I was restrained in my own seat belt.
Theme song for today- tubthumping by Chumbawamba.