When life gets crazy, just lock up the little animals. I found it very helpful. After trying to put this shelving thingamabobber together I was only disappointed that it wasn't big enough to actually cage the wild beasts. (BTW- what is that face Kylie is making? I promise there was no torture involved, they wanted to take this picture.)
Kylie got the student of the day award at her school again! She was just so proud of this accomplishment. I was proud of her too! She received this award for "a wonderful attitude, great reading, and a sweet personality." If you will remember Kylie is not my only brilliant child. My son is quite the smart cookie, too.
Finally, I was actually able to visit my friend and her newest baby!!!! YEAH! I am done having kids (not necessarily by choice) and I have to get my fix somehow. I mean, really, that new baby smell, the spit up smell, the not-too-gross poopie diapers, and all that comes with little ones (minus the sleepless nights). Nothing is better than all that. So, I jaunted on over to Shanna's house for visit. What a precious new little one!
Check out more baby pictures at Shanna's blog. My pics don't do the baby justice, or the mom for that matter. I was able to get a 3 generation pic for Shanna (sorry if none of them turned out perfect. I'm not the photog you are, but I did my best).
Sorry that this was a jumble of info, but I am really trying to catch up quickly, so I can resume the regularly schedule blogram.
Theme song- It's my life by Bon Jovi...
10 years ago