I also call him the Son. He is my little lover boy.
She is my Ultimate Mischief Maker. I don't need to say more, right?
Mischief Maker In Training. You have learned much my young paduwan.
They Like Me, They Really Do!
I'd like to thank the academy...
Really, I am! So leave a comment people...just to say you were here.
Totally Awesome, most hilarious blog you will ever read!
It's True!!!
Kids Say The Darndest Things
Jacob: "Mom, I want to watch the Vegitary of Star Wars." Mom: "I don't know what the Vegitary is, son." Jacob: "You know, where they talk about the movie." Mom: (Oh, the commentary) "Yes, you can watch the Vegitary."
Britin: "Mom, there is a Transformer bug on the stairs." Mom: "Really? What is a Transformer bug." Britin: "Come on, mom, I'll show you." (We went over to the stairs and she pointed to a dead bee on the stairs.) Mom: "A bee?" Britin: "Yes, a baby Transformer bug." (For those who aren't making the connection- don't worry, it took me a long time, too. Bumble Bee- the yellow car. Apparently she heard us call it a bee and Daddy was supposed to pick it up, but hadn't yet. She made the connection by herself and called it a Transformer bug.)
Today (5/20/2008) I was in the car with the 3 youngest kids. As we were on our way home Britin asked why daddy went to "hannah tanna" (her version of Hannah Montana). I said daddy didn't go see Hannah Montana, but that he watches it sometimes with the kids. Jacob and Britin then proceeded to say that they wanted to go with daddy to see Hannah Tanna. It took me awhile to get that they were just confused. Dalen is in Montana this week. They thought we meant that he was seeing Hannah Montana.
Tonight at dinner Britin played air guitar. CUTEST! Dalen asked her if she was going to play guitar when she gets bigger. She said she wants to play the "girl-tar".
Dalen came home and I called the kids into the kitchen to get up to the table. Britin saw me standing there, arms around Dalen, welcoming him home. She looked up at me and this is how the conversation went: Britin: Why are you home, Mom? Me: I don't have to work tonight. Britin: You get to eat dinner with us? Me: Yup. (Then, looking at Daddy..._ Britin: Why is Dad home? Me: He is done with work. Britin: He gets to eat dinner, too? Me: Yup. Britin: Both of you??? (with a BIG smile on her face)
Jacob: If it rained Turkeys we would all eat A LOT!
My hair was wet and I was make-up-less but I was dressed. My son looked up at me and said, "Mom, you almost look beautiful." WOW! Almost...missed it by that much!