Okay, I am stealing this header from Sherry because I have been off the blog for so long. I have totally been checking OPB's (other peoples blogs) but have not had enough alone time on the computer to do my own post. So, just so everyone know, I'm not dead...yet.
We have been crazy, as always, around here. We just started up with soccer for Kylie and Jacob and they are both loving it. It even rained on the practice last night and Jacob's team practiced right through it. He was in heaven. Me- I ran to the car, not wanting to get soaked.
On the 24th of July we took the kids to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point with my friends, Shanna and Laina. The kids had a blast on the ponies (except for Malia- who held onto me REALLY tight). Jacob got on the biggest horse, Kylie, the second biggest and Malia was on the smallest. Britin had a medium-sized horse. They all did so good, not even needing help.
The kids loved looking at all of the animals. They also got to go in "Jail" which was pretty fun- except too easy for them to escape.
Later that night we jaunted over to my friend Laina's house for fireworks and a latenight outside movie. I love the ideas Laina comes up with to do with the kids. She and Shanna are so wonderful to invited our family to all of these great activities. They are planning an end of summer movie night, which we are really looking forward to. YEAH!
One last note. Jacob lost his first tooth last week. His smile just isn't the same. I love his smile still, but I am missing his tooth!