Monday, May 17, 2010

All I Ever Needed To Know...

...about myself I learned from my son.

  1. "You're almost Beautiful." (He said this to me when I was not quite finished getting ready for the day. Apparently all I needed to do still was fix my hair. Then maybe I would be all the way beautiful.)
  2. "You know the wiggly part on the back of your arms. When it wiggles like that it means you're chubby... But that's okay mom. You're working on it." (Said as we were leaving the gym. I had my workout clothes on, which afforded him a perfect view of my wiggly arms.)
  3. "Do you think Malia's hair will ever be dark like ours? Well, not like your's mom, cuz yours is white."

Is it a wonder why some days I just don't wanna get out of bed?

Really, kids are just too honest. He loves his momma though. He tells me everyday, "You're the best mom." Now, I don't think I qualify as the best mom, but I do think I can forgive the chubby, old, and almost beautiful comments when he tells me he loves me.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Did you know?

Trying to survive Spring Break... so I took the kids to the park today. I know it isn't the same as taking them on a super cool vacation to California, Florida, or even St. George, but it is free and the best I could do.

Anyhow, at the park the following conversation actually took place.

Oldest Child: "I hate being short. Everyone that is my age or younger are all taller than me."

Mom: "That's not true. You are just right for your age. Besides, I'm taller than all my sisters. I'm even taller than my mom. You can't control how tall you are."

Oldest Child: "Of course you are taller than your mom. Old people shrink."

True Story!

I'm Slow... Deal With IT!

Thought I'd post some pics of what we have been doing at our house lately!

Perfect place to fall asleep, right?

We were pirates...

Malia was a cyclops :)

Mommy and Daddy put a super cool shelf up in our room after we painted.

The shelf actually runs along 3 walls. It's AWESOME!

Then we started work on the front room.

What do you think of the colors?

Then we had Easter at Aunt Gramma's house. So much fun!

Aunt Gramma reading to the kids while the parents and teenagers hid the candy and eggs for the kids' hunt.

Then, Easter Sunday we went to Gramma Reyes' house and had lunch and another candy hunt!

Now we are just trying to make it through Spring Break alive!